Welcome to PLOY
the first video-based professional networking platform for early career talent.

Image showing Ploy app Image showing Ploy app
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Build a video CV,
discover organisations,
engage with employers,
and apply for early career job opportunities,
all through video.

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How-To PLOY?

Build Your Video CV

A new approach to outdated CVs. Through images and short videos, PLOY allows you to share your unique skills and knowledge. Your PLOY profile becomes a dynamic, highly personalised CV, that can be shared externally with employers.

Discover The Work

Engage With Companies

You never know what it’s truly like to work at an organisation until the day you start. PLOY changes that. Through a unique ‘Companies’ feed, you'll be able to get a true insight into an organisation; their culture, workplace, social events & more, all through video.

Explore Companies

Discover Job Opportunities

Job searching is outdated. PLOY reinvents how you discover job opportunities through video, giving you an insight into a role before you apply. Our bespoke 'Jobs' feed features roles at some of the most exciting organisations in the creative sector.

Apply For Jobs

Who's on PLOY?

Industry Leaders & Mentors

The creative industry is usually about who you know. It’s time to change that. PLOY gives you the opportunity to get your work in front of key industry leaders; award winning creative directors, designers, film and TV producers, marketers & more.

Become A Mentor

Creative Organisations

PLOY connects creative talent and businesses. We’ve partnered with some of the most exciting organisations across the UK creative sector, including global media and creative agencies, music labels, publishers and production leaders. If you want to join PLOY, apply below.

Apply To Join


Universities struggle to engage students with career guideance and opportunties. We've joined forces with a number of leading creative universities across the UK to drive early career engagement, and provide colloboration across courses.

PLOY For Universities

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