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Kingdom & Sparrow


Kingdom & Sparrow

Industry: Advertising Services

Company size: Kingdom & Sparrow

Award-winning B Corp branding agency with creative excellence & craft at its core. Creating positive change through sustainable thinking & design.

📍 Falmouth, UK

17 days ago Lenny and Johnny were London-bound at the beginning of this week, meeting with clients and talking new projects. Back in Falmouth, the team have been working on illustrations for wine labels, branding a new venture for a brewery as well as digging into all the details to finalise some in-depth guidelines - it’s very pleasing to see everyone’s work come together!

#branding #branddesign #packagingdesign #drinksbranding #designstudio #illustration
1 month ago Back in to the swing of things!

🌳 This week, we kicked off the year with a visit to Cornwall’s oldest garden for a project close to home.

🍷 We embarked on an exciting new wine project – stay tuned for more details…

💬 And of course enjoyed some much-needed team catch-ups!
2 months ago It’s the final week of 2024 in the studio…

🖼️ We were all excited to exchange our Secret Santa gifts, the portraits were a hit!

🎁 Lenny and Johnny surprised the team with personalized @handsforfeet prints – a unique and thoughtful gift!

🍴Johnny provided a culinary masterpiece (a HUGE lasagne) and Jake whipped up a boozy trifle before evening drinks.

🧑‍💻 And of course we made sure our clients had all they needed before we closed to studio for the Christmas break.
2 months ago The studio got more festive this week as projects begin to wrap up for the Christmas break - Also this week;

🗺️ The gang ventured out of the studio for an exciting field trip (more about that in the new year)

🐾 Lots of artworking for our favourite dog food brand, keep an eye out for those on the shelves soon…

🍻 Plenty of meetings for Lenny and Johnny too, including a kick off session for a South West brewery with some of the best pints around!
3 months ago Here are some of the exciting things we’ve been working on in the K&S studio this past week:

🪐 The press was in action for an out-of-this-world whisky project

🎨 Johnny putting the finishing touches to some fruity watercolour illustrations

🐾 Zephyr dropped by the studio to make sure we’re all working hard - she claimed the best seat in the house

#Advertising #Animation #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #FashionDesign #FashionCommunication #Illustration #GraphicDesign #Film&TV #Journalism #GamesDesign #MediaProduction #Marketing #Media&Communication #Photography #SocialMedia #Publishing
4 months ago We read today that 1/10 people nap during the working day. Well we’ve been busy enough that one of us dozed off at the pub at lunch time. It’s been all play and no work for Artie!

Some other moments from the studio:
🎨Botanical illustrations for an English wine brand;
📸 @millyfletcherphoto in the studio working on headshots
📖Reviewing whisky designs at Liam’s desk

#Advertising #Animation #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Journalism #Marketing #MediaProduction #SocialMedia
4 months ago Recent moments from the K&S studio:
💻Blog and portfolio editing - we’re busy on the marketing side of things;
🚊Sleeper train to London for a concept presentation;
🥃The first taste of a new liquid from a Scotch whisky client. There’s something really special about getting to taste a whisky nobody in the world has ever tried before;
🖼️A wander around the Tate with Johnny and Liam.

#Advertising #Animation #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Marketing #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #Photography #SocialMedia #DigitalMarketing #CreativeWriting
4 months ago Recent moments from the studio;
💻A big strategy piece for a new Scotch whisky (the client loved it!)
✏️Liam absolutely nailing it - he’s been developing his rendering skills and we’re so impressed
✨We welcomed the brilliant Jo and India to the team

#Advertising #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Marketing #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #Photography #Publishing #SocialMedia
5 months ago Day one done and dusted at B Corp #louderthanwords! We were fortunate enough to be awarded a ‘pay it forward’ ticket for the event, which we are super grateful for - thank you, B Corp legends!

Ellie has had a great day and we can’t wait to hear every detail, but for now, her best bits so far:

- Learning about beautiful business with Mary Portas. An inspiring talk full of wit and charm - and Speedos 🩲 (IYKYK)
- ⁠letting go and dreaming big with lego
- ⁠and of course, B-Corp speed dating in the Oxford City Libary 📚

#Bcorp #bcorpuk #branding #brand #branddesign #brandidentity #packagingdesign #brandidentitydesign #brandingagency #design #designstudio #Advertising #DigitalMarketing #Marketing #Media&Communication #Illustration #MediaProduction #GraphicDesign #SocialMedia #Photography #CreativeWriting #Animation
6 months ago Our team summer social! 🌞 Thank you to Three Birds Falmouth for taking great care of us and sorting us out with a delicious lunch.

#Advertising #Animation #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #Film&TV #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Marketing #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #Photography #SocialMedia #Publishing
6 months ago A few moments from recent weeks at K&S:

💡Lenny and Johnny thinking hard about forecasting, and trying to ignore the banana bread Liam brought in

🎥Filming for @bullandwolffilm

🍻Chipping away at a new portfolio for one of our long-standing brewery brands

🍕Pizza at @verdant_taproom to celebrate Johnny entering a new decade - we’ll let you guess just how hold he is!

💻Meetings at the pub. Because where else?

#Advertising #Animation #DigitalMarketing #CreativeWriting #Marketing #Journalism #Illustration #GraphicDesign #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #Photography #SocialMedia
7 months ago It’s been workshops galore this last few weeks. We’ve been working with our Strategy and Copywriting Partners on a big whisky project, and have had the pleasure of hanging out with really fun clients. Ellie has been off for three weeks sailing, but we found time to catch up down at the harbour over a couple of beers. The K&S way! 🍻 We’ve also been working on our own proposition and messaging, which we’re stoked to finally have some time for!

#Advertising #Animation #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Marketing #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #Publishing #SocialMedia #Photography
7 months ago It’s a chilled day in the studio. We’re working on our Peacock portfolio (which we can’t wait to share with you!) under the watchful eye of Patty.

📸Lenny behind the camera
✏️Johnny drawing
💻Polly making things happen
🐕Patty on quality assurance

#Advertising #Animation #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Marketing #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #Photography #SocialMedia
7 months ago Summer is flying by! Here are a few moments from recent weeks:
🌞A busy studio full of our core and freelance team
🍻Football (Jake won the sweepstake by drawing both England AND Spain)
🛠️We launched Heist with our good friends at @doublebarrelledbrewery - you can see Ellie working on her poster here

#Advertising #CreativeWriting #DigitalMarketing #GraphicDesign #Journalism #Marketing #Photography #MediaProduction #SocialMedia #Publishing #Media&Communication
8 months ago It’s been so busy that we’ve been pretty quiet on socials the last few weeks. A little update on what you’ve missed:

🎧@freelance_hannah and the brilliant Ellie having a little dance break;

💻Ed Miliband interrupted our board meeting (to be fair, we were holding it in a beer garden) and came to chat with Lenny and Johnny about the election;

🍻We’ve been brewing beer up at @doublebarrelledbrewery;

💭Lots of planning for an upcoming strategy workshop with an amazing Scottish whisky brand;

🪴We were welcomed by the brilliant @bullandwolffilm and @joemrturnbull to Cornwall’s most recent @bcorpuk event.

#bcorp #branding #brandingagency #agencylife #design #designers #designagency #branddesign #branddesignstudio #branddesignagency #Advertising #GraphicDesign #Marketing #DigitalMarketing #Media&Communications #MediaProduction #Photography
8 months ago It’s been a busy few months for our brilliant team. What you can’t see us all looking at on Liam’s screen (and we WISH we were able to show you, but we can’t just yet), is some work we’ve been doing for one of the world’s biggest beer companies.

In fact, we’ve been working on two of Europe’s most iconic beer brands. And no, before you ask, we can’t tell you which.

All the while, we’ve also:
🥕illustrated loads of veg for our favorite dog food brand;
🍺welcomed a shipment of the glorious Big Mountain Brewing Co;
🌞been joined by Sandra, who is joining Lenny and Polly in accounts;
🍷squeezed in a vineyard trip.

#brand #brandidentity #branddesign #branding #brandingdesign #brandingagency #studio #design #designagency #agencylife #studiolife #Advertising #GraphicDesign #Marketing #Photography
9 months ago A few snapshots of the last few weeks:
🍻A baking day in Exeter with our friends, Buddy;
🤘An ice cold Utopian Brewing beer at Topsham - lovely glassware, if we do say so ourselves;
📝Appraisals, appraisals, appraisals. A big well done all around to team K&S for being brilliant;
📸Working with the brilliant Bull & Wolf on some photography for our favourite new Portuguese brand.

#brand #brandidentity #branding #branddesign #designstudio #studiolife #Advertising #GraphicDesign #Media&Communications #Photography #CreativeWriting
9 months ago Perks of the job - hanging out with our good friends and clients, Chocolarder, at their chocolate factory, right on our doorstep in beautiful Falmouth.

We’re working with the team on an exciting new product launch, so the brilliant Becca showed us around the factory.

We’ve had worse days at work, that’s for sure!👌🏻

#brand #brandidentity #brandingagency #design #designagency #agencylife #Advertising #GraphicDesign
9 months ago Designing beer cans! Financial forecasting spreadsheets! Drinking beer! Eating pasties! Drawing chickens!

Such versatility! Is there anything the Kingdom & Sparrow team can’t do? Probably, but we’ve not figured out what it is just yet.

Featuring some fresh beers delivered all the way from France, by our good friends at Big Mountain Brewing Co. 🎿🤙

#brand #brandidentity #branddesign #brandidentitydesign #design #designstudio #studiolife #branding #brandingdesign #Advertising #DigitalMarketing #Animation #GraphicDesign #Illustration #Marketing #Media&Communications #Publishing
9 months ago Another week in the pink studio...

💻We presented a proposal for an exciting prospective cider project
🐕We refined designs on three projects for our favourite dog food brand
☕️Chatted with some exciting new clients about speciality coffee
🧼Developed a concept for an amazing local eco-focused brand

#design #designstudio #brand #brandidentity #branding #brandidentitydesign #studio #studiolife #Advertising #GraphicDesign #Marketing #Media&Communications #DigitalMarketing

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