We'll all sit the throne today. 🐉
Dragon skulls, string orchestra performances, and a sweet gelato treat. 😋 Join Digital Marketing Apprentice, Lola, as we celebrated the launch of House of the Dragon, Season 2 at Sky Osterley.
Team Targaryen, or team Hightower? Let us know!
#LifeAtSky #HouseOfTheDragon #Advertising #DigitalMarketing #Animation #ArtsandDesign #Film&TV #GraphicDesign #Journalism #Illustration #InformationTechnology #Media&Communication #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #ProductManagement #Operations #Production #Photography #Program&ProjectManagement #PublicRelations #Publishing #SocialMedia
Dragon skulls, string orchestra performances, and a sweet gelato treat. 😋 Join Digital Marketing Apprentice, Lola, as we celebrated the launch of House of the Dragon, Season 2 at Sky Osterley.
Team Targaryen, or team Hightower? Let us know!
#LifeAtSky #HouseOfTheDragon #Advertising #DigitalMarketing #Animation #ArtsandDesign #Film&TV #GraphicDesign #Journalism #Illustration #InformationTechnology #Media&Communication #Media&Communication #MediaProduction #ProductManagement #Operations #Production #Photography #Program&ProjectManagement #PublicRelations #Publishing #SocialMedia
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